Run D program locally

D comes with a compiler dmd, a script-like run tool rdmd and a package manager dub.

DMD Compiler

The DMD compiler compiles D file(s) and creates a binary. On the command line DMD can be invoked with the filename:

dmd hello.d

There are many options that allow you to modify the behavior of the DMD compiler. Browse the online documentation or run dmd --help for an overview of available flags.

On-the-fly compilation with rdmd

The helper tool rdmd, distributed with the DMD compiler, will make sure to compile all dependencies and automatically runs the resulting application:

rdmd hello.d

On UNIX systems the shebang line #!/usr/bin/env rdmd can be put on the first line of an executable D file to allow a script-like usage.

Browse the online documentation or run rdmd --help for an overview of available flags.

Package manager dub

D's standard package manager is dub. When dub is installed locally, a new project hello can be created using the command line:

dub init hello

Running dub inside this folder will fetch all dependencies, compile the application and run it. dub build will compile the project.

Browse the online documentation or run dub help for an overview of available commands and features.

All available dub packages can be browsed through dub's web interface.

rdmd playground.d